Pure Over Coffee Maker Review (Why You Should Try It)

Green Pods ure over coffee maker review what we really think

Pure Over offers an unparalleled approach to brewing coffee.

The key innovation with Pure Over is its perforated glass filter to stop sediments from seeping into your cup. It’s easy to use and durable. It’s easy to clean, and it means you don’t need to keep buying single-use coffee filters (which we love). Because the whole coffee-making process is contained in borosilicate glass, you’re bound to experience a pure, full-bodied cup of coffee.

Join us as we review the coffee maker and explore why it may be the ideal brewing method for you.

Why Listen To Us? Well, because we KNOW coffee! In fact, we make our own coffee, coffee machine cleaners, and reusable capsules which we've sold to over 41 countries. Our team ouf experts include Tristan (an engineer), Claire (a food writer) and Richy (a barista). So, whether you're looking for a recipe or repair guide, we've got you covered 💚

What Exactly Is A Pure Over Coffee Maker 

The Pure Over is a manual, paperless coffee brewer. It’s made of glass and has a perforated glass dripper. The brewing process relies on cake filtration-where the bed of saturated grounds acts as its own filter–held by the dripper.

The grounds clog and prevent the sediments from filtering through. It’s revered because it’s an eco-friendly alternative to paper filters and offers a fresh, dense, and fruity cup of coffee–minus the paper aftertaste. 

Pure Over’s Kickstarter Story

The brewer was invented by glass artist Etai Rahmil in his workshop in Portland, Oregon. The idea came about when Etai had a yearning to enjoy the purest coffee flavors without using paper coffee filters. He took to Kickstarter and set up a campaign to raise funds and propel his vision forward. 

The target was $10,000, but a group of about 4883 glass-blowing enthusiasts and artists helped him raise a whopping $351,745 in just a few weeks. The funds enabled him to partner with manufacturers in China to create all-glass paperless brewers, which plenty of coffee lovers grew fond of. 

Pure Over focuses mainly on sustainability, using eco-friendly materials, and reducing waste wherever possible. Today, the brand is known for its commitment to quality, simplicity, and sustainability.

The Green Pods Pure Over glass filter system

Our Review Of The Pure Over System

First, let’s say we are fond of this brewer. It’s sleek, easy to use, eco-friendly, and makes great-tasting coffee. But it’s not without (a tiny) fault. Here are the pros and cons of the device.


  • Easy to clean and dishwasher safe.
  • Easy to use and offers quick brew time. You’ll have a cup of coffee ready within 5 minutes. 
  • Creates a dense, rich, and fruity cup of coffee.
  • Durable. Made from borosilicate glass–one of the strongest and heat-insulating materials.


  • The Perforated filter is coarser than paper filters and it possible for sediment to seep into the carafe.
The Green Pods Pure Over Exploded Image

How To Use A Pure Over Coffee Maker (Our Step-By-Step Guide)

Follow the steps below to brew a (close to) perfect cup of Java.

You’ll need:

  • 20 g coffee
  • 300 ml boiled water


  1. Pour the grounds into the dripper and flatten the bed.
  2. Put the diffuser lid on.
  3. Pour water in a circular motion for 20-30 seconds. Let it bloom.
  4. Add water till it reaches just under the handle connection.
  5. Using the stir stick, give it a shallow, gentle stir.
  6. Let the water drip into the carafe.
  7. Enjoy.

How To Clean Your Pure Over 

You can clean your Pure Over in warm soapy water or in the dishwasher. All the parts of the brewer are dishwasher safe.

5 Tips To Perfect Pure Over Brewing

Preparing a fresh cup of coffee is easy with the Pure Over. But here’s how you can polish and enhance your drinking experience. 

1. Choose high-quality coffee beans: 

Because there’s no paper or stainless steel filter to alter the taste of your coffee, the only thing standing between you and tasty coffee is the type of coffee you use. Choose high-quality, fresh-roasted beans, and grind them just before you start brewing. This will ensure that your coffee is fresh and full of flavor.

2. Use the right amount of coffee: 

The amount of coffee you use will determine the strength of your brew. Aim for a ratio of 1:17. For every 300 ml of water, use 20 grams of coffee.

3. Grind your coffee beans correctly

The beans act as a filter bed to ensure a small amount or none of the sediments pass through the dripper. Anything too fine and the grounds will transfer into the carafe, resulting in acidic coffee. Grind your coffee beans to a medium-coarse consistency to achieve optimal extraction. 

4. Pay attention to your water temperature 

The ideal temperature for brewing coffee is between 195°F and 205°F. Water that is too hot can over-extract the coffee, leading to a bitter taste, while water that is too cool will result in an under-extracted brew. If necessary, use a thermometer to ensure your water is within this range.

5. Master your pouring technique

Start by pouring a small amount of water onto the coffee grounds to bloom them, then pour in a slow, steady, circular motion, making sure to wet all the grounds evenly.

Pure Over Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is Pure Over worth it?

Pure over is worth it. There are no filters getting in between you and a refreshing cup of coffee. Because the brewer uses a perforated glass filter, it means most of the coffee oils and tasty compounds will transfer into your cup. Also, it’s made mainly of glass with a ceramic base, making it an eco-friendly alternative to other coffee brewers. 

Q. What’s the difference between Pure Over and other pour-over coffee brewers? 

The difference between Pure Over and other pour-over coffee brewers is that it does not use any filters. Instead, it relies on cake filtration-where the bed of saturated grounds acts as its own filter–held by the dripper. The grounds clog and prevent the sediments from filtering through. This allows for a pure brew. You won’t experience any of the papery aftertaste you get from paper filters or mellowed coffee because of trapped coffee flavors in stainless steel filters.

Q. How do you use Pure Over? 

Here’s how to use the Pure Over.

1. Pour the grounds into the dripper and flatten the bed.
2. Put the diffuser lid on.
3. Pour water in a circular motion for 20-30 seconds. Let it bloom.
4. Add water till it reaches just under the handle connection.
5. Using the stir stick, give it a shallow, gentle stir.
6. Let the water drip into the carafe.


The Pure Over coffee maker is an excellent choice for anyone who wants a simple, easy-to-use brewing method for a clean cup of coffee. With its paperless design, it eliminates the need for wasteful paper filters and ensures no sediment ends up in your coffee. 

It’s also easy to clean and maintain, making it a great option for anyone who values convenience and sustainability. If you’re looking for a high-quality coffee maker to help you achieve a delicious and pure cup of coffee, the Pure Over is definitely worth trying.

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